Friday, December 5, 2008

Joddey said somthing profound

And I had to repeat

" I was reading Thomas Freidman's book "The World is Flat". At one point he states that you can tell a health of a company or country by how much they discuss dreams versus memories. The more memories the more they are looking at the past and dying, the more dreams the more they are looking to the future. What are you looking at for yourself, your family and your company. It speaks volumes of what is going really on. "

OK Joddey was just the one repeating something profound, I still liked it!


Stuart R. Crawford said...

Well Steve, you know that Joddey is a smart guy so I am not surprised that he would say that. It is so true though that I am going to blog about it this morning as well on today. Thanks for posting this and thanks Joddey for just being you.

Stuart Crawford
Calgary, AB

Sales Guy said...

Why do you act like that is something new?