I am tired and ready to be home. Poor Jen being home all week making all that needs to happen at home get done. (I am told that Jersey has torn up part of my drip system so that is good to look forward to)
I have this great view out of my window however I have been outside a total of 20 minutes since getting here. I am told it has been in the 80's and nice.
I attended a forum on Mobility and it is clear that this is a game changer. The question is where do we fit. That is yet to see. However there is not doubt that we are only getting started. After seeing my dad get an Android phone and liking it that is will be huge.
I got a chance to catch up with Mike Fafinski from Syand It feels like it has been forever since we have really spoke. We have both been super busy and traveling.
So I started IT nation presenting at the first breakout and ended with the last. Still have a packed room and I have to admit I nailed it. Lots of great feedback and I have had tons of people connecting with me.