Thursday, May 8, 2008

Walking the walk & The college update

Lenovo continues to impress. Lets face it, we hear lots of talk but actually getting it done is where lots of partners fail. Yesterday we had a pricing issue with a distributor. There was some confusion on discount. I sent a quick email to Jameson (Our inside rep). Within 5 minutes the distributor called letting us know they made a mistake! That is taking it one step further. He could have replied back to me saying that the distributor made a mistake and call them back. No, he took the initiative and called the distributor, found the error and had the distributor call us. Then Jameson called to verify we had the issue resolved. We expect that this additional discount will win the business for us. This seems like a small deal, but think about it. If we had to make two or three more calls to resolve this problem,

1. We may have just gone with standard discount and could have lost the deal
2. Lost another half an hour of productive selling time. More selling time, more sales!
3. My experience tells me that other partners would not have taken the steps to help us.

This is just one example of how Lenovo has stepped up. I can think of two other YESTERDAY!

The College Update

Had lunch with Cody and Grant yesterday. Well, half and half. Cody seems to get it. Grant, not so much. I will keep up the pressure. Hopefully their family and friends will do the same. Peer pressure wont hurt either.

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