Sunday, December 15, 2019

People don't hate change?

I believe they don't like the uncertainty that change brings. So how do you help others through change. To me it is two areas.

1. Involve others in the change. Give the why and be firm in the change. One thing that is difficult is if you are shifty in your responses. This enhances the uncertainty and will lead to people afraid of the change to stay with the status quo. Make it clear, staying where you are is not going to be accepted.

2. You paint a picture of the future that others can see in their mind. Realize that you may not know the path you are going to take but you should know the outcomes you are looking for. Be as specific as you can on the end result! Be transparent on the fact you don't know the path. Have others help you with the path. Know when to compromise and when to stick to the results you painted up front.

Be firm yet patient in your painting the picture and I believe with being clear and firm most will get on board with the future painting.

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