Saturday, March 6, 2010


On Kitchen Nightmares this week was really a business lesson. It told the story of a college graduate that wanted to work for herself and bought a business (Resteraunt) had been running that business for 5 years and was struggling.

Ramsey really came out and did a great job of quickly identifying the issues. Infact he gave the owner a homework assignment and she also quickly identified the problems as well.

1. Clean
2. Attractive dining area.
3. Good fresh food
4. Simple menu
5. I cant remember this one.

And Ramsey added destroying their old computer system. It could not properly run the business. IE you need the right tools to do business.

In addition to the above Ramsey ran the owner into the bathroom to cry for quite a while. I believe this is his process. Break them down, make the owner open their eyes so they can see the real problems and then build them up.

Somthing that became obvious to me is that you can get comfortable in your enviornment and without constantly changing, everything seems ok. Even as bad as that environment is, it can seem ok.

Last piece that struck home was that Ramsey made the owner work in the kitchen. Somthing she had never done. It was clear that you have to know the back end to your business to really be prepared to make strategic change.

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