Sunday, July 26, 2009

Did a little rafting

Went Whitewater rafting yesterday at and had a great time. Like usual, the make you sign the form that this activity could result in death and you cannot sue them.

Anyway, took the 2 hour trip to the location with the Kardel family. I felt right at home. There kids reminded me quite a bit of my own. I did learn quite a bit from the German exchange student that has traveled the world. I even learned a bit about the European union and negotiations (This is what his dad does)

Back to the White Water adventure. A storm was rolling in and it rained a bit and got a bit windy (For Colorado standards). We had to wear the life jacket and the helmet along with the splash jacket. I did not really understand why you would need a splash jacket, it was in the 80's. Well, when the water is 50 degrees you quickly understand.

We did see a couple people in our group get launched out of the boat. None on our boat.

The experience started out slow. Small rapids and pretty slow. Dustin, our guide was from the south and was very good. He taught us strokes. Forward backwards, left and right forward and such. That came in useful later.

The views were amazing. Huge rocks, cliffs and a few houses. Then came the real rapids. We got real wet and had to work hard keeping the boat going in the right direction. Somehow I am not sore today.

Just another experience off the bucket list. Next I will have to take the family when Car gets a bit older.

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