Thursday, October 23, 2008

Are you a simplicator or a complicator?

I had a chance work with some technical programmers today. In my opinion, what the customer wanted was really simple. A couple of basic requirements. Other than that KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).

However my friends in programming complicated things beyond reason. Asking what if's that were off the chart. Introducing more complications to their work to then later tell me they couldn't do it. (Yet it was their idea in the first place)

This lead me to the sales process. When you sell do you make the solution understandable and simple or complicate the whole issue? Clearly you do want to meet the expectations and not over sell the solution, yet provide a complete picture without complicating the sale.

1 comment:

Stuart R. Crawford said...

Steve, I haven't been on your blog for a while. I have allowed life's complications to get in the way. Well, there is true to keeping things simple and this message is critical to success. People want easy in their life, there is enough stress without adding more. Keep your managed services plans easy and painfree and then you will success. Offer easy plans and easy strategies and you will have buy in.


Stuart Crawford
Calgary, AB