Why do people drive 50 in a 65 MPH zone? It is dangerous, causes everyone to have to pass on two lane. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE?
Why do people swerve left to go right? Are we NASCAR and have so much speed that this is required? JUST TURN RIGHT.
Why don't people use their blinkers? Sure makes traffic flow easier.
Why do people use their blinkers 2 miles before their turn? I would have passed you if I had known you had no intention for turning till next county.
Why do people turn into the far right lane when turning left? CLOSEST LANE not FARTHEST LANE. It was a simple lesson in drivers ed.
Why do people drive 15 mph in a 35? I don't have that kinda time.
Why do some people not know you can turn right on red if it is clear? Sure hold up everyone because you didn't pay attention in drivers ed.
OK I feel better. I didn't want to keep it bottled up. If there is any lesson here for sales. Remember, you are being evaluated as a sales person all the time. You never know if that car you cut off is the next big customer.
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