Sunday, August 2, 2009

Spend most of the weekend relaxing and catching up.

Like always, when I am gone all the PC and server stuff at home decides to break. Sure it will run for months when I am home. Then problems when I am gone.

Had another drive fail on the home server. Maybe it is me buying the cheap drives. I was using USB drives and had about 3 of them fail. So I thought I had a heat problem. I then installed internal SATA drives. They have been working for a while. Yet I had my first fail.

No lost files. I had duplication running where it copies files to multiple drives just in case a drive fails like it did. I did lose most of the backups on the laptops I have. So I had to remove the defective drive, rebuild the files and then start the backups. I am still working on that.

I have also been working on posting my video's to and pictures to the home server. Feel free to visit to see the pictures from my recent trip.

Just about done with all my work on getting caught up.

Did have a chance to get the Corvette out a little Sat. It had been several weeks since I have had that chance. I am still impressed with the power. Nothing like a little burning rubber smell to relax you. I will finish up the weekend with a round of golf with Bill.

This week is one of those with few appointments however I have lots to get done. Submitting expenses, working on some processes and preparing for the annual vendor meeting. Does not seem like much yet it never fails that you go to work at 7 and the next thing you know it is after 5.

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