So I had the perfect unit to try Diskeeper (A defrag tool). My 2 1/2 old work laptop. It is a Centrino unit with 2 gb of ram running XP Pro. To be honest it is starting to slow down. To be exact it was taking about 6 min to boot.
I installed the Diskeeper. Took about 2 min and was simple. Went to the console and realized that the base install does everything I need. It runs in the background when there is nothing else running. According to the interface I was heavily fragmented and needed lots of help (Ok I added that part) It ran for about 2 days in the background before it reported running in the green. The boot time? 2.5 min WOW, performance is improved (According to the interface 21%) It gets smarter over time by learning what files I use more often.
So my review is the product works, is quick and improves performance. Drawbacks? Well the $60 price tag plus annual maint. This seems a bit high, but for 20% increase in performance this is rather cheap.
1 comment:
Diskeeper Corporation Testimonials
"I would highly recommend Diskeeper to an Admin looking to improve server performance and reliability. At our location we deployed it on our most critical servers and the difference was quite drastic (that particular server is our mail server). My biggest fear was that the server would take a performance hit once the software was defragging, but the hit never materialized. In fact the system was noticeably faster after a few days, and after two weeks, a few people asked me if we had moved the mail to a new server. On the reliability side, that server had 3 drive failures in 6 months prior to Diskeeper being installed. So far it’s been running for 7 months and we haven’t had a single drive failure on any server that Diskeeper is also running on. When we initially deployed Diskeeper on our NAS (which was just as fragmented as our mail server), it wasn’t defragging because of the intense load the system was under. I called tech support and they helped me modify a few registry keys and the software was working the way it should. And, as on our mail server, there was no noticeable performance impact while it was defragging. Diskeeper is worth every penny and is one of the few programs out there that does exactly what it says. I could not be happier with the performance and reliability gains we have made since installing Diskeeper. "
"I can comment about the benefits that Diskeeper has on managing free space and the companion prevention of file/folder fragmentation. I feel that Diskeeper stands head and shoulders above integrated Windows tools when it comes to defragmentation. It’s automatic, always running and has not created any problems or conflicts on our servers. I would also like to state that running Diskeeper Professional on my desktop has made my system boot up 30% faster, and as I am not a particularly patient man with computers, this is a truly welcome gain. “ "
City of Walla Walla
"I would be more than happy to provide a reference. I use Diskeeper primarily on file servers, some of which are domain controllers and exchange servers. Diskeeper allows me to set defragmentation policies (i.e. time frames – 24x7, 5 days a week, weekends only, certain hours, etc) and removes my requirement to have to worry whether the disk is being maintained at the highest possible level of performance or not. The Administrator tool allows me to deploy and remove installations of Diskeeper on machines. I can also run reports and pull disk metrics about machines even if they don’t have Diskeeper installed so I know where to put my installations since we have a limited number of licenses. Diskeeper pulls its weight for the dollar saving time, money and effort. We are a Microsoft shop with some Linux and Oracle and primarily use Dell PowerPath, EMC SAN, Clariion, Equalogic iSCSI. We also have thousands of Dells in our desktop/laptop environment. "
AOSmith Electrical Products Company
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