(Used with permission from Kris)
Kris Fair is the new inside rep. We call him Fairplay because his last name is Fair. Anyway, Kris is a successful, single, plays in a band chick magnet. So we have been studying his recent attraction.
This woman has some of the best closes we have seen. He first told him they should get together for coffee. Well Kris had to work so he let her know he would only be available for a quick lunch. He was thinking fast food. She gave him two choices between sit down restaurants. (IE the alternative close) He was committed.
He goes to lunch and forgets his billfold so she pays (Committing him to the next step) After the lunch she follows up with a Text telling him how she enjoyed lunch (The followup)
Then that night calls and suckers him into an hour long call...
She next tries to set the next appointment (Always focusing on the next step)
Unfortunately Kris ended the deal last night letting her know he was only interested as friends. I have to admit he did it in a text which was a bit CS. It will be interesting to see what her next move is.
Point of all of this was that there is sales everywhere. And the lesson is that sometimes high pressure backfires and fast.
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