Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Going to the Game!

If you haven't realized it yet, Football is my favorite sport. It trumps basketball, baseball and all others. Something about the hits, the team aspect and balance of the league. (Most teams can be competitive on any given weekend) With that said, I am going to the Chiefs/Bronco's game Sunday.

That's right 8 hours in the car for what will probably a 15 minute game. Unfortunately I think the Chiefs are in for a beating. There will probably be more boos than cheers. However still cant wait to tailgate, spend time with the neighbors and cheer on the team.

Next time you think you have performance critics become a NFL coach. Constant doubt on your abilities. Someone is always better at it than you and lose a couple of games and you are a smuck. Course for a couple of million a season, I could handle it!


Stuart R. Crawford said...

Steve, I don't get Football and passion that some have for the game, however, I know that I would do the same for hockey.


Stuart Crawford

Justin McClung said...

Sorry Steve but the Chefs may actually go 0-17 this year. I know that the 49ers are your real team but there isn't much more hope there either... go Cowboys!