Friday, August 29, 2008

Why is attitude so important?

Have you ever driven home and when you get there you can't remember stopping at the stop sign? You can't remember making turns, nothing. Driving is a rather complicated activity. Knowing how fast your going, where to turn, using blinkers and watching other traffic. However we do it automatically. In our subconscious.

It is estimated by someone more intelligent than I that 95 percent of everything we do is done subconsciously. It is my opinion that your attitude can effect that 95%. It sets the stage for how your subconscious works.

Every day you make choices on how to view what happens to you. Like a rainy day. it is an opportunity to work on those inside projects that you have been putting off? Or it is a ruined day the messed up your plans. One is a positive reaction, one is negative. Losing a sale. An opportunity to learn about your customer and the competition or an opportunity to complain how unfair the process was.

I have never met a successful salesperson who was negative. Have you ever bought something from a negative salesperson?

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