Thursday, January 7, 2010

First day of the rest of the year.

Not sure why but I had this set to automatically publish.  It did not.  So better late...

Today is the first business day of 2010 (For some of us). Make a great start. Back to the basics.

1. Time spent in the field selling

2. Give more than you take

3. Be honest (If not to a fault)

4. Listen

5. Follow the sales steps

6. Follow up

7. Do what you say you are going to do

8. Make a difference

9. Take your time

10. Don’t waste time

11. Have fun

12. Work/home balance

13. Focus on what matters

14. Fully utilize your resources

15. Do not avoid problems, take them head on.

1 comment:

sales persuasion said...

It's actually the fourth day of work this 2010.After the long holiday,it's time to get back to work and interesting to start with a new year.