Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The spelling tests begin.

Caden brought home his first spelling list. It strikes fear in me. No, not that the words are that hard. They are words like UP, RAN, DOWN and more. Rather I was so poor at memory (Which is what spelling is) that I always struggled with this. Hopefully Caden has Jenifer's memory.

So what is the point of this? More that I never was a good speller. And lets face it, it is almost not even an issue any more. When I get done writing this article, I will hit the spell check button. OK, sometime it can be a problem when I can't even come close enough that spell check can guess what I was trying to spell.

Really this is like many people's skill sets. You have things you excel at and things you do not. Finding tools and processes that help minimize their impact can make you much better. Key is don't let people tell you that you simply can't do it. My 7th grade teacher told me I couldn't write! Yet for some reason you are reading this. My 9th grade computer teacher told me I had no future in computers. He sells cars now.

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